Okay, so some of you may have noticed. I don't blog very often. Don't have a lot of time to blog or read blogs. But, this evening I decided to do some "catching up" with my blog. I clicked on a particular post that had several comments and realized that when I had changed my photo albums in Picasa to private, it also deleted them from my own blog posts. Sorry if you got to a page to see photos and found black rectangles where they should have been. It has been fixed and will remain.
Here are some of my later photos so far unpublished. These were taken at one of my favorite “stopping off” places just north of Jacksonville, TX. The place is called Love’s Lookout, a locally owned (by the city of Jacksonville, I believe) rest area. On the way north on US 69, you start seeing this wonderful vista and you really want to pull over and take some pictures when, all of a sudden, here’s the perfect place. Hope you enjoy as much as I did!
Yay! I'm glad you got it fixed and that you posted new photos! Love you!